Author: Nick Vujicic (@nickvujicic)
Publisher: WaterBrook Press. Colorado. 2012
Genre: Self-Help, Motivation, Christian-life
This book has given positive impact to my life and I'm sure the other thousand people have felt the same way. what made me feel really guilty to my God is when I complain about not having boyfriends, having pimple, being ugly, being fat, being thin, etc. then what about him? should he shout to right in front of my face "why was I born without having arms and legs? I have been waiting for my entire life to see the miracle to happen, maybe my arms and legs suddenly grow and finally I can stand as tall as you." I feel totally guilty. I start to express my gratitude to my God everyday and somehow I become happier than before.
The if I just had X, I would be happy syndrome is a mass delusion. When you look for happiness in mere objects, they are never enough. LOOK AROUND. LOOK WITHIN.
There are several types of public speakers of motivation. What I like about Nick, especially about this book, the content is not that hard to understand, I'm sure, to almost everyone. I mean it's not like this book offers us the solution of being single for too long, or the solution of how to survive from an almost bankruptcy company, or how to raise our income. No.
The content is suitable for anyone because it tells about basic human function (not scientifically of course, I mean like our role as a human being), how to be happy, being thankful, nothing is impossible, keep trying and never give up, etc. Eventhough it looks like a pretty simple topic, but it does give positive impact, because it's written by someone who has 'survived' and live a very happy and wonderful life even without the limbs. I have complete limbs, but before reading this book, Nick has far way way waaay happier life then mine.
OMG, I can't describe how rich the motivation and inspiration are from the book in this short review. I suggest you to read this 5-star-book. I hope you'll get inspired too.
Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015
Minggu, 01 Februari 2015
Ayumi Hamasaki CDL 2014-2015 Cirque De Minuit
Congratulations to myself because Ayumi Hamasaki has taken my concert virginity!
It was my first time going to Japan and also first time going to the concert so I have many amazing stories to tell about but as this is a review so I'm gonna make it short.
I attended the concert on 30th of December. I ordered the ticket from Lawson ticket machine 2 days before and luckily it wasn't sold out. I came to Yoyogi National Stadium on my 'big day' at 3pm. while waiting for the gates to open at 5pm, I had lunch around there and buying some concert's goods. I bought a cute bag and a small towel.
The show was supposed to start an hour after the gate open, but it was 10-15 minutes late. I don't know why. maybe not all the audiences were already passing the gate entrance. in the beginning, the circus' dancers appeared first, then Ayumi Hamasaki showed up on the main stage. she didn't appear dramatically. I mean, I expected her to appear as dramatic as in Rock 'n Roll Circus or as in CDL 2013-2014. before going any further, I'd like you to know the setlist:
1. Duty
Duty was the first song performance which surprised me. I was so happy that I can see 1 of my favorite song performed live. She still has that amazing voice to sing this song. however, the backup dancers and circus attractions during this performance distracted the original "soul" of the song. I prefer when she performed Duty during the Dome Tour.
2. Microphone
Well yeah....! It made my adrenaline get higher. I'm beyond happiness because this is my favorite song too. She only performed this song twice, didn't she?: Rock 'n Roll Circus and a-nation on that year. OMG I'm so lucky to see this performance live. I had sung this song by myself for few weeks and there I was... and I prefer this performance than duty.
4. My Name's WOMAN
5. 1 LOVE
I don't really like these songs. but these performances were awesome by the use of high technology and seeing Ayu did some circus attraction by herself. and these were sensual performances, anyways.
7. Last Minute
as these are new songs, you know these are from her new single right? these performances were my first time listening to them and I love them. Maybe some fans including me have been waiting for Ayu's style of Ballads. and here they are.
8. Walk
This is also a new song. she cried singing it and I got goosebumps. but I actually prefer Zutto and Last Minute.
9. Forgiveness
The countdown was right after this song for those who attended it on 31st of Dec. it was fantastic when each of the performers made simple words as 2015's wishes that appeared on the main screen.
10. Progress
Duty+Microphone+Progress. Surprisingly perfect!
11. Surreal/evolution/surreal
You are not attending Ayumi Hamasaki's concert if you don't see her performing these. lol but they made some improvements. i like it.
12. NOW & 4EVA
I don't know this song. sorry. lol
13. Movin' On Without You
This is my new favorite song. I can't say whose rendition I prefer. Ayu or Utada? Both of them are good in their own way. good job, ayu, for making it 'new' because it becomes incomparable.
14. XOXO
15. Lelio
these songs make me feel like 'move it move it'
quite surprising to know that.... where is Shuya?
17. how beautiful you are
it would be selfish if I asked God to give me this song performed live, because I already got 3 of my favorite song performed live. but there it was. oh WOW! such a lucky person I was. but I actually prefer her previous performance of this song.
18. Born To Be
I expected another song, actually. After watching youtube, I think the performance on the day I attended was better than the one on the countdown day.
As the theme concert is "Cirque de Minuit", a french phrase means "a midnight circus" so everything was set to represent it. when concert word crosses my mind, I always expect getting "eargasm" instead of "eyegasm". In Ayu's concert, it plays more on the stage tricks because I don't think she still has the voice I used to adore during her 2000-2006 career. so we need to get the strategic position to reach the level of eyegasm and there will be only very few people who will get lucky. she was very beautiful, I love her hairstyle and her fashion that night.
Overall, I was a bit disappointed because I didn't get the excitement of a concert I expected to have. But this is awesome! this is one of Ayu's
best CDL! I'm sorry I didn't take any picture during live because the staff was
going around to make sure none used camera. Mine is iPad and it's more
noticable than iPhone so I didn't dare enough to do it.
Come on Ayu, keep working hard! Don't make
other people's opinions who ask you to be hiatus beat you down! Prove them
wrong. and keep shining.
Selasa, 19 Agustus 2014
Author: Veronica Roth
(twitter: @VeronicaRoth)
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publisher. New York. 2011
Genre: Young-adult literature,
science fiction, dystopia
I know maybe it’s too late
to write reviews about this book. The movie release date was almost long time
ago so was even more the book is already successful worldwidely. Currently (before reading divergent), I’m
not interested to read any novel, I prefer articles or non-fiction books, that’s
why it was hard to get started reading this kinda book. Then guess what?? DIVERGENT is beyond AWESOMENESS!
First pages were not that
interesting for me as I still didn’t get used to really sink deeply into Veronica
Roth’s imagination about factions. However, the words she chose to describe
things and situations are light and neat that makes my eyes couldn’t get rid
off its each pages. The further the story goes, the more exciting, curious, and
more awesome it becomes. Unless my eyes were dry and hurt, maybe I wouldn’t
stop reading it until the end especially starting from the chapter when Tobias
confesses his love to Tris.
I believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another.
I don’t know how to tell
the whole book story in a short way just to describe roughly the content of
divergent (in case you haven’t read or watched the movie yet), because it’s
complicating. I suggest you to watch the trailers on youtube. The movie and the
book are both awesome. Let me try:
The world is divided into 5
factions, so when teenagers turn 16, they will choose which faction they belong
in that will decide how the rest of their life will be. Nah, it’s not as simple
as that. Lol
After reading Divergent, I
can’t wait to read Insurgent, the 2nd book in divergent trilogy. So far,
Divergent is a highly recommended novel, a 5-star book.
Minggu, 20 Juli 2014
101 YOUNG CEO : Menggali Rahasia Sukses 101 Pebisnis Muda Indonesia Di Bawah Umur 30 Tahun
Judul: 101 YOUNG CEO : Menggali Rahasia Sukses 101 Pebisnis
Muda Indonesia DI Bawah Umur 30 Tahun
Penerbit: Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri (2013)
Tebal: 350 Halaman
Genre: Bisnis, Inspirasi
Penulis: Ilman Akbar (@ilmanakbar)
Buku ini Luar Biasa! Khususnya untuk para remaja atau anak
muda yang sedang menyusun mimpi masa depannya. Berbicara masa depan tentu tidak
lepas dari yang namanya kehidupan yang layak dan kebebasan finansial. Buat yang
berasal dari keluarga mapan tentu ingin tetap berkarya dan sukses atas nama
sendiri bukan atas nama orang tua atau kakek nenek. Buat kalian semua, jenis
dan tipe anak muda modern manapun kalian, buku ini amat sangat di
Bahasanya ringan dan sangat akrab buat kawula muda. Kisah setiap
pebisnis suksesnya dikelompokkan ke berbagai kategori sehingga lebih teratur
dan terarah. Format penulisannya pun cukup menarik karena tidak hanya terdiri
satu warna, kemudian diiringi oleh lingkaran “Quick Tips” atau garis merah
penanda yang menjadi highlight dari setiap tokoh yang sedang dikupas rahasia
kesuksesannya. Sebagian dari pebisnis yang diceritakan disini pun, dilengkapi
dengan twitter account atau alamat email yang membantu pembaca agar bisa
menghubungi tokoh yang kita kagumi tersebut agar kita bisa berkomunikasi dan
belajar berbagai hal dari mereka. Informasi umum mengenai dunia entrepreneurship
serta strategi marketing yang dibahas melengkapi kesempurnaan buku ini.
Memang ga semua isi buku ini aku nikmati secara serius. Toh,
tiap dari kita memiliki passion yang berbeda kan? Pendapat personalku sih, aku
paling enjoy dan terinspirasi ketika membaca bagian bisnis kuliner dan fashion
karena passion ku paling kuat berada disitu. Mungkin buat kalian yang sudah
atau akan membacanya, juga akan memiliki ketertarikan di bidang yang berbeda.
Setiap orang sudah ditakdirkan punya jatah gagal berbisnis. Ada yang sekali bisnis langsung sukses, banyak yang sudah gagal berkali-kali baru sukses. Kita hanya perlu menghabiskan jatah gagal tersebut dengan terus membuat bisnis baru. - Adez Aulia, mentor penulis
Yang pasti setelah membaca buku ini, saya pribadi
benar-benar telah memiliki sebuah ide bisnis yang segera akan dicoba untuk
diaplikasikan dan benar-benar sangat semangat serta termotivasi untuk bisa
menjadi entrepreneur muda sukses. This is a-5-star book.
Jumat, 04 Juli 2014
Diary Pramugari "Seks, Cinta & Kehidupan"
Penulis: Agung Webe
Penerbit: Pohon Cahaya, Yogyakarta. 2013
Genre: Kisah Nyata
Dari judulnya sudah sangat menrik, sangat memancing
keingintahuan saya tentang dunia pramugari. Mungkin buku ini termasuk kategori
dewasa, sebisa mungkin tidak dibaca oleh anak dibawah 17 tahun. Namun saran
saya, melihat isinya yang sebenarnya cukup baik terutama mengenai filosofi
kehidupan, akan lebih baik dibaca oleh orang berusia minimal 20 tahun dengan
pikiran yang terbuka dan jangan sedikitpun berpikiran dangkal dalam memaknai
pesan dari novel ini.
Saya sangat suka dengan ceritanya yang tragis, dimana tokoh
utama mengalami kematian bertubi oleh orang-orang terdekatnya. Bagian awal
novel ini cukup membuat pembaca penasaran sehingga kalo bukan karena mata ini
lelah, mungkin saya tidak akan berhenti membacanya hingga selesai. Yang paling
menonjol dan menjadi favorit saya dari kisah nyata yang dikemas menjadi novel
ini adalah filosofi tentang hidup, agama, dan cinta yang cukup dalam. Penulis mengajak
kita untuk berpikir berani dan kritis dalam memaknai ketiga komponen tersebut
agar kita menjalani hidup dengan “sadar” dan “mata terbuka” tidak hanya menjadi
robot yang sudah diprogram oleh aturan turun temurun.
Namun saya tidak mendapatkan gambaran bagaimana dunia
pramugari atau penerbangan secara utuh dan mendetail. Misalnya bagaimana aktivitas
pembelajaran pramugari selama masa pelatihan, apa saja yang harus dipelajari
dan dikuasainya, apa saja yang harus disiapkan pramugari sebelum menjalani
tugas di udara, tahapan apa saja yang dilakukan pramugari selama di udara, dsb.
Kemudian untuk sebuah karya yang disebut kisah nyata, saya agak menyangsikan
bagian-bagian dimana ia selalu bermimpi bertemu dengan orang tercintanya ketika
mereka sakratul maut yang seolah sedang menyampaikan pesan terakhir, lalu
pertemuan sesaatnya dengan saudara kandungnya di China dan merasa seperti ada
ikatan batin. Hal-hal itu terdengar terlalu fiktif. Namun bukan tidak mungkin
sebenarnya hal tersebut bisa terjadi di dunia nyata.
Diperlukan Lumpur Yang Banyak Untuk Tumbuhnya Bunga Teratai yang Besar
Siapa yang mengenal kematian, ia mengenal hidup. Siapa yang bisa menghadapi kematian, ia bisa menghadapi hidup
Walaupun tadi saya katakan bahwa bagian awal buku ini sangat
membuat pembaca penasaran, akan tetapi ketika memasuki bagian pertengahan saya
sudah bisa menebak bagaimana jalan cerita novel ini hingga akhir sehingga tidak
begitu mengejutkan. Itu hanya pendapat pribadi saya.
Secara kesuluruhan, novel ini memiliki cerita tragis yang
mungkin akan menarik air mata tumpah ke pipi pembaca. Cukup bagus dan menarik.
Yang paling saya ancungi jempol adalah pesan mengenai filosofi hidup yang
sangat mendalam terkandung dalam novel ini. I think this is a 3,5 star novel.
Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationship, Intimacy, and Commitment
Author: Steve Harvey
Publisher: HarperCollins, New York. 2009
Genre: Relationship, Self-improvement
He provides us some information about how to be a lady that
most men want, how to win his heart, or how to choose and distinguish between a man who is looking for
his forever-life partner or a man who is just looking for his playthings. The book
shows us how actually men’s minds work, how they build themselves to be real
men and also describing men reactions and attitudes towards the people they truly
love. The author theaches women not to be too fast, easy, and naive to fall in
love with a men they’ve just met. There are some requirements that women need
to do bravely before deciding he is “the one”.
For me, this is basically just a light-read. This is not
based on research. This is not written by a popular marriage consultant or
psychologist. I think this book is written more according to his single point
of view. I know that in the beginning he says that he already convince to some
of his malefriends about some of these thoughts. However, I don’t think it can
be representative. So after reading the
book, you can’t make stereotype for each man in the world. I suggest men to
also read this book to figure out whether what it says reflects yourselves or
not. Just for the confirmation. Lol.
Steve Harvey is in his third marriage. That means he has
failed in a serious relationship more than once. It makes me believe less to
what he says. Well, we can’t expect someone to be perfect. But I think it’s
fine to expect someone who is professional in this relationship stuff to have a
happy relationship by him/herself just like I expect a dentist to have a good
and healthy mouth/teeth. Let me know, am I too shallow by thinking this way? I
also disagree with some parts that he blames women as the reason why men
cheated. Eventhough he is a man, and he writes a book for women, he should have
been in a neutral position.
Don't Give Up Your Money, Your Job, or Your Education, Or The Pride and Dignity that Come with All of That. JUST BE A LADY~~~ by appreciating your man, not undermining his confidence, just letting him be a man.Overall, this is a recommended book for you to read with the open mind. Some topics are true and useful to know and to do because basically he wrote it to give benefits to everywomen. The content is interesting. For me, this is a 4-star book.
Kamis, 03 Juli 2014
Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus: The Classic Guide To Understanding The Opposite Sex (20th Anniversary Edition)
Author: John Gray, Ph.D
Publisher: Harper Collins Inc, New York. 2012
Genre: Relationship
I think this book is awesome.The author gives us much worthy
information about how to understand the opposite sex. So basically, it’s not
only about how to communicate well in a relationship, but it also about how to
understand more our opposite sex: the way of expressing, the way of communicate,
their reaction towards something, etc. so after reading this, you will probably
be able to understand more your mom/dad, grandmother/grandfather,
sisters/brothers, even maybe your clients whose sex is not as same as yours.
I like how the author being in a neutral position eventhough
he himself is a man. He makes the readers realize that what actually wrong in a
broken relationship is often because whether a man or a woman can’t understand
their differences of needs and communications. So the book describes how a
“mars creature” called man is and how a “venus creature” called woman is and
how to anticipate the conflicts that might appear because of the differences
such as men says “she is over-reacting” but she says “he is not listening”. By understanding
these, we are able to give more respect to our opposite sex partners.
Then I read the background of the author, first I became
disappointed with his divorce history. How can I trust someone who writes about
fixing relationship while himself already has a broken one? But then I realize
that he actually learned much through his first failure and finally be able to
apply this book’s theory in his second marriage and the result: he is still
together happily with this spouse until now. He is a certified family therapist
by the National Academy and also a member of the American Counseling
However, the content is not completed. There is a topic
which should be talked, but I could find it nowhere in the book. For example
the sexual needs and times between Martians and Venusians are different as far
as I know. But it wasn’t discussed in detail whilst it’s 1 of the most
important thing to be in a relationship.
However, this is very good and it
provides us much worthy information. I think, after reading the book and knowing who the author is, I give
4,5 of 5 stars for this book. J
My favorite quote from this is: (I don't know why, I just love this new information from him)
Not To Be Needed Is A Slow Death For A Man
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