Kamis, 03 Juli 2014

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus: The Classic Guide To Understanding The Opposite Sex (20th Anniversary Edition)

Author: John Gray, Ph.D
Publisher: Harper Collins Inc, New York. 2012
Genre: Relationship

I think this book is awesome.The author gives us much worthy information about how to understand the opposite sex. So basically, it’s not only about how to communicate well in a relationship, but it also about how to understand more our opposite sex: the way of expressing, the way of communicate, their reaction towards something, etc. so after reading this, you will probably be able to understand more your mom/dad, grandmother/grandfather, sisters/brothers, even maybe your clients whose sex is not as same as yours.
I like how the author being in a neutral position eventhough he himself is a man. He makes the readers realize that what actually wrong in a broken relationship is often because whether a man or a woman can’t understand their differences of needs and communications. So the book describes how a “mars creature” called man is and how a “venus creature” called woman is and how to anticipate the conflicts that might appear because of the differences such as men says “she is over-reacting” but she says “he is not listening”. By understanding these, we are able to give more respect to our opposite sex partners.
Then I read the background of the author, first I became disappointed with his divorce history. How can I trust someone who writes about fixing relationship while himself already has a broken one? But then I realize that he actually learned much through his first failure and finally be able to apply this book’s theory in his second marriage and the result: he is still together happily with this spouse until now. He is a certified family therapist by the National Academy and also a member of the American Counseling Association.
However, the content is not completed. There is a topic which should be talked, but I could find it nowhere in the book. For example the sexual needs and times between Martians and Venusians are different as far as I know. But it wasn’t discussed in detail whilst it’s 1 of the most important thing to be in a relationship.

However, this is very good and it provides us much worthy information. I think, after reading  the book and knowing who the author is, I give 4,5 of 5 stars for this book. J
My favorite quote from this is: (I don't know why, I just love this new information from him)
Not To Be Needed Is A Slow Death For A Man

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